Meet the 2024 Staff
Joshua Cox
Megan wick
collector of souvenir pennies
Benjamin Davis
Web Development Editor
A connoisseur of cozy, loves silly
little treats and soft blankets.
The human version of a raccoon
Web Development Staff
chloe jackson
Devon meeker
Web Development Staff
Connor Grummon-White (He/him)
Web Development Staff
enthusiast of iced chais and philosophic contemplation
Pan Deines
Copy Editor
likes writing poems, taking naps,
and making cat hats for other people's cats :)
Piper Scherr (they/them)
Copy Staff
favorite things are the Oxford comma, irony, and missed opportunities
lilli black
Copy Staff
Frequently nauseated. Lover of miniature items, arnold palmers, and GoodReads
Analie Pambrun-Carnes (She/her)
Copy Staff
Lover of rodeos
Layout Staff
The human equivalent of a spork,
well rounded, sharp in some areas, and probably in some food
EMIR PiRIJA (he/him)
Layout Staff
I have a book for every situation
PR Editor
[dramatic pause]... I rest my case.
CAINE RYAN (he/him)
PR & art Staff
likes red, bread, and the undead
Megan radley
PR Staff
A human Swiss Army knife that loves birds, blueberries, and bravo tv
Julia Freudenberger
PR Staff
Art Staff
a girl who will never stop talking about listening to music that matches the weather and who, despite popular belief, isn't scared of cows
Roman di giulio
Art Staff
Avid enthusiast of sweaters, good pens, coffee, and rats
ellie white
Art Staff
loves drawing in a cozy nook with cats, sweaters, plants, and other lovely things
Kate clark
Art Staff